Office Automation & Communication Management

Administrative automation is one of the best and most effective methods for improving organizational productivity and accuracy. Administrative automation in TeamyarERP consists of eight modules: Actions, Documents, Projects, Discussions, Calendar, Email, SMS, and Quality, which seamlessly integrate with each other to manage business processes and workflows in unparalleled cohesion. Administrative automation in TeamyarERP empowers your organization's experts and managers to gather more accurate data and optimize workflows and processes.

Access to documents and projects from anywhere and at any time

The ability to define access levels in the most detailed manner possible

With a dedicated application

Eight integrated modules that are in sync with other organizational systemse

Definition of internal organizational workflows/p>

Definition of various internal and interdepartmental processes

Definition of different projects with diverse objectives

Administrative automation with TeamyarERP

Office automation with TeamyarERP

An Eight-Module System for Various Applications

TeamyarERP's administrative automation is a fully integrated and practical combination of eight modules that empowers users of this powerful software to intelligently and agilely manage all daily organizational process management. These processes range from daily correspondence within the organization to the management of organizational documents and records.

Define unique organizational workflows

In the TeamyarERP Action module, there is a workflow design tool compliant with BPMN 2.0 standards. Through this tool, users can automate processes and task workflows without the need for technical or programming knowledge. With the workflow design tool in TeamyarERP's administrative automation, it is possible to design and fully manage all processes of different units within the organization, such as finance, human resources, commerce, and more, tailored to the needs of each business and unit.

Design custom forms

The TeamyarERP Form Builder tool is prepared for designing organizational forms and using them in workflows and processes. With the Teamyar Form Builder tool, users can customize all processes in different organizational units, such as warehousing, human resources, commerce, finance, etc., in the form of forms and use them in their business workflows according to their needs.

Composite and analytical reports with BI

TeamyarERP Business Intelligence enables managers and users to define various reports they need. This powerful tool brings your business one step closer to the digital age, allowing you not only to have diverse reports at your disposal but also to equip yourself with predictive analytics tools for the future.

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